Deems Beautybar

Taking care of all of your needs.

Gezondheidsstraat 44, Willebroek BE-2830


Salon - Deems Beautybar
Salon - Deems Beautybar
Salon - Deems Beautybar
Salon - Deems Beautybar
Salon - Deems Beautybar
Salon - Deems Beautybar

Important information

Dear customers, Welcome to our new booking page.

How can you book an appointment? -> Click on 'Show more'.

1. Registration (once only)
Register as a customer at the top right via 'LOGIN' with your FB profile or email address (choose an easy password). 
Every customer can register with his/her cell phone number and email address. 
An e-mail address is personal and can only be used for one customer. 
You will then receive a PIN to confirm your registration. 
When typing the pin code (4 digits), make sure you are on the far left.

2. Appointment booking
After logging in, you can select the desired service. 
Then click on the photo of the desired employee and choose/confirm the date of your appointment.
You will immediately receive a confirmation email at the email address you used when you registered. 
Please check at the top right on 'MY PROFILE' to make sure your appointment is properly registered.

3. Advantages
On this booking page, you can always see when your next appointment is scheduled.  
You will receive a reminder e-mail 24 hours before your appointment. Are you unable to keep your appointment? 
Then you can cancel or reschedule your appointment online up to 24 hours in advance. Do you cancel within 24 hours? Then please inform the salon by phone.

Do you have registration questions/problems? Then you can click on the HELP function at the bottom right. We will be happy to help you.




Starting at 8 €


Starting at 8 €


Deems Beautybar is een gezellige thuissalon gevestigd in Willebroek. Je kunt hier terecht voor verschillende beauty behandelingen. Laat je verwennen en loop weer stralend de salon uit!
Demi heeft al een aantal jaar ervaring en heeft sinds kort haar eigen salon geopend bij haar thuis 'klein maar fijn' noemt ze het.
Voor alle behandelingen heeft demi ook een certificaat.
Zelf doet ze dit als bijberoep en werkt ook nog full-time in de zorg. Afwisseling vindt ze geweldig en doet dit allebei met heel veel passie. 

Ik hoop je snel te mogen verwelkomen in mijn salon te willebroek voor jouw "me-time" momentje.


Contact / Opening hours
Monday - Sunday09:00 - 21:00

Gezondheidsstraat 44,

Willebroek BE-2830


Open Instagram page


This salon has 1 Salonkee verified reviews. If you've booked an online appointment at this salon, we encourage you to share your experience by leaving a review and help others make informed decisions about their beauty needs.

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End result
Overall 5
5 stars(1)
4 stars(0)
3 stars(0)
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1 stars(0)

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Zeer tevreden met de behandelingen, heel vriendelijk. Ik ga snel terug!


0Selected service(s):

0 Selected service(s):