KrissKross Barbershop

Sijsjesstraat 2, Opglabbeek 3660

Important information

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2. Afspraak boeken
Nadat u bent ingelogd, kunt u de gewenste dienst selecteren. 
Klik vervolgens op de foto van de gewenste medewerker en kies/bevestig de datum van uw afspraak.
U ontvangt onmiddellijk een bevestigingsmail op het e-mailadres dat u gebruikt hebt bij uw registratie. 
Kijk bovenaan rechts op 'MIJN PROFIEL' even na of uw afspraak goed is geregistreerd.

3. Voordelen
Op deze boekingspagina kunt u bovenaan rechts op 'MIJN PROFIEL' steeds kijken wanneer uw volgende afspraak staat ingepland.  
24 Uren vooraf uw afspraak ontvangt u een herinneringsmail. Lukt het u niet uw afspraak na te komen? 
Dan kunt u tot 24 uren vooraf uw afspraak online annuleren of verplaatsen. Annuleert u binnen de 24 uren? Dan dient u het salon telefonisch te informeren.

Heeft u vragen/problemen bij de registratie? Dan kunt u onderaan rechts op de HELP-functie klikken. We helpen je graag verder


Gift voucher
All services
category-icon [object Object]
category-icon [object Object]


Essential Haircut

Starting at 28 €

Haircut Kids -12 y

Starting at 25 €

Signature Haircut

Starting at 32 €


Beardtrim - Short

Starting at 20 €

Beardtrim - Long

Starting at 25 €


Haircut + Beardtrim - Short

Starting at 38 €

Haircut + Beardtrim - Long

Starting at 40 €

Beardtrim + Buzz

Starting at 25 €



Starting at 0 €

Permanent - Curls + Essential Haircut

Starting at 88 €

Essential Haircut

Starting at 28 €

Haircut Kids -12 y

Starting at 25 €

Signature Haircut

Starting at 32 €


KrissKross Barbershop...

Step into the core of hairstyles at KrissKross Barbershop...
Founded in October 2019 by the visionary owner, Kriss. Not just as a barber but also as an Update Academy educator, Kriss brings a wealth of knowledge from training under renowned barbers and hairstylists across Belgium and the European scene.
At KrissKross Barbershop, we go beyond the ordinary. Whether you're in search of sophisticated everyday cuts, oldschool scissorwork, intricate Afro sculptures, or unleashed creative designs, KrissKross' skills are well-versed in the latest trends and techniques.
You will experience the diffrence in the commitment to individuality. Every client's voice is heard, and each hairstyle is crafted with careful consideration of personal preferences, style, and image. This is not just a barbershop; it's a personalized grooming experience tailored to you as a customer. Where you will walk out with a killer haircut every single time.
Are you ready to join us in a space that celebrates street culture and a cutting-edge blend of barbering artistry.
Where the essence of street culture harmonizes with an avant-garde fusion of hairstyling. The instant you step in, you embark on a journey into a realm where heritage intersects with modern trends, and each haircut will result in a masterpiece.


Opening hours
Monday - Tuesday09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday09:00 - 22:00
Thursday - Friday09:00 - 18:00
Saturday08:00 - 18:00

Sijsjesstraat 2,

Opglabbeek 3660


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